Reiki is a Japanese word the means Universal Energy but the energy and the technique are not Japanese. The system as we teach it was re-discovered by a Japanese man that was a Christian Minister in a University in Japan. He after many years on the quest found the information in ancient Tibetan/Buddhist sutras (scriptures). It was an ancient way of healing that worked on all levels of men, women, and animals to help bring harmony and physical healing.
Reiki Attunement
Reiki is of the Ultimate Energy. That which runs the universe of which we are part and particle. It is pure, whole, unconditional. The energy can be used by anyone, child, elderly, bedridden, handicapped person. It can be shared or just used on yourself. It is one of the few healing techniques that allows this without being in a special state of consciousness. Reiki is not of the mind but of the higher levels of being. Think of it as unconditional love in action.
There are three levels, or degrees, of increasing capability. Most people decide Level 2 or second degree will meet their needs. Reiki is not so much learned as activated using a process called attunement. Simply, your capability to provide focused energy to yourself and others is enhanced. Reiki energy is boundless, acts in all living things and is life sustaining.
There are three levels, or degrees, of increasing capability. Most people decide Level 2 or second degree will meet their needs. Reiki is not so much learned as activated using a process called attunement. Simply, your capability to provide focused energy to yourself and others is enhanced. Reiki energy is boundless, acts in all living things and is life sustaining.
First Degree Reiki
After attunement, you will be shown how to provide healing energy to yourself, your family and close friends and your pets.
Second Degree Reiki
Having completed First Degree Reiki attunement and practicing their new skills for three to six months, some will choose to be attuned to become Second Degree Reiki practitioners. This means a second attunement and new skills to practice. Specifically, in second degree you can send healing energy to wherever it is needed. Even great distances. You also will be able to help with deep seated emotional and mental difficulties.
Third Degree Reiki
Level 3A Reiki Master: Having completed Second Degree Reiki and practiced for one to two years, some will choose to be attuned to become Reiki Masters and to continue practicing. Master is for persons who are dedicated to Reiki energy and willing for it to be their path in life. This path requires serious consideration as you are taking on the responsibility of transferring a very high of energy to others. Your intent must be of the highest in terms of being helpful.
Level 3B Reiki Teaching Master: Having completed two years with an active Reiki teacher, including at least one year as the Master level, you may seek attunement. Level 3B is for those ready to serve both living creatures and our universe on a public level and accept the work that goes with these actions.
For more information, please contact us and/or on the web, visit
Qigong (pronounced chi-gung`) is the ancient art of “energy work.” It is practiced by millions of people around the world because it’s very relaxing, easy and slow yet has instant effects on your health and well-being. Qigong has been passed down for centuries because it effectively renews your own energy, helping to create harmony and balance in your life and achieve a peaceful mind state.
Qigong differs from other forms of exercise because it gently and easily enhances the natural energy that resides in your body instead of decreasing it, as normal exercise does. It increases strength and muscle tone while lowering cortisol, your body’s natural stress hormone.
Quiets your mind and your body
Induces relaxation
Reduces stress
Boosts your immune system
Strengthens and tones muscles
Increases flexibility
Improves posture and respiration
Improves clarity of thought, concentration and awareness
Builds confidence in yourself
Reduces chronic pain
It’s perfect for stressed parents, overworked individuals, chronic fatigue sufferers and more.
Best of all, it works anywhere, any time for all fitness levels, including those with limited movement and mobility. Qigong is perfect for those who have difficulty quieting their minds or bodies.
Achieving Unlimited Energy is highly recommended for individuals who are new to personal energy work. You’ll learn and practice a variety of quick, easy and effective self-care energy tools that you can start using today and every day.
You will learn how to:
Center and focus your thoughts when you feel scattered, overwhelmed or just plain tired!
Release and let go by clearing yourself of negative energy and energy blockers
Connect to unlimited universal energy
Protect yourself energetically
Magnify your own personal energy
Feel comfortable in any situation
Live to a ripe old age in good health!
We are familiar with affirmations and notes on the mirror to consider each morning. Things like: I am happy, I love myself and so on. The idea being if I think those words enough I will eventually believe them. Knowing my behavior and feelings flow from what I believe, if I believe I am happy then I will be happy, eventually.
Our beliefs are energy patterns that we have. Those patterns can be adjusted more rapidly then with the notes on the mirror method. There is a way to adjust that energy pattern, with your permission so in that moment you believe what you want and can watch your behavior change without effort on your part. We gently help you decide which beliefs have been limiting you and what to adjust those patterns to become.
Usually two to three sessions are adequate to adjust enough beliefs to allow someone’s life to be more what they want. Then later they may find other beliefs to adjust to fine tune their life.
There are many ways to adjust beliefs. The approach we offer is gentle and doesn’t ask the client to relive how the belief was formed, which in itself can be traumatizing.
Everywhere you go, you hear that exercise is important to your overall physical and mental health. But some of us are limited by our age, physical limitations or lack of time. Exercise is not an easy option. With PEP, staying healthy and feeling young doesn’t require high intensity workouts and it doesn’t require a lot of time.
It’s perfect, especially, for the elderly because it is little to no impact and just about everyone can do the five very basic and simple movements. But don’t wait until you’re older to start doing them! The sooner you start, the better.
In just 20 minutes a day you can:
Increase strength and build muscle tone
Add flexibilty
Increase bone mass (very important as we age)
Increase balance
Improve your posture
Increase mental acuity
Improve digestion, respiration and cardio-vascular function
Enliven your senses
Detox your body of negative energy
Relieve stress and muscle tension